"Truco Brasil" brings the popular Brazilian Truco for your iPhone and iPod Touch! Challenge the artificial intelligence of your device and practice yo...
Seize the Day!Improve your life through positive affirmations.Research has shown that thinking positively can dramatically alter one's outlook in life...
Wine should give you more fun, make you more friends and bring more laughs than anything else in life! Come and share our enthusiasm for this life enh...
Updated! "Gun Cache" gives you the ultimate collection of high quality sounds of guns and war. With such a comprehensive selection of weapons the pote...
Forty audio and visual trips and tricks to stimulate, calm, and bend your senses — even hallucinate! The multimedia companion to the book, Get High No...
Yes, you can be the best bartender in town, with the top coolest Campari cocktails recipes. And moreover, you can live the shaking experience. Prepare...