


This App is designed to assist in the relief of Migraine Pain through a process of compartmentalization, externalization and re-framing. The primary role of pain is to bring your attention to something that is wrong. Once this has been done, there may be no further need for pain, but there is no automatic switch to turn it off. Or is there?We tend to try to ignore pain, in the hope that it will go away. The result is that because the pain is still present, and you are TRYING to ignore it, you can't. The pain will continue to niggle and prompt you.'Painfree' will direct your attention to the pain. Contrary to most people's belief, paying attention to pain doesn't make it stronger - in fact, it's just the opposite. It now gives you a chance to change it. And changing it, is as easy as closing your eyes.In most cases, you will have resolved your pain through the use of this app, or with analgesics, or a combination of both. As with medication, if pain persists, see a Doctor.The language patterns used within this App are hypnotic and can cause drowsiness; ensure you able to give the App your full attention.


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