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【免費攝影App】PSD Converter-APP點子

‘Psd converter’ helps to convert the psd file to other formats. Psd files are viewable only with the help of Photoshop software or any psd viewer tool which is developed specifically for mobile. There is no certainty that the person you are sending the psd file has a viewer or the software for converting psd to other formats. Thus, it is better to send them, the image or a pdf version of the file. With the help of ‘Psd converter’, one can convert the psd file to any other format. Thus, with the help of this tool, you can send the file in the format that your client is comfortable with. This tool helps the designers to send samples and output to the client through mobile. To learn more about ‘Psd converter’ and its features, download and install this app on your mobile, immediately. You will find this tool to be very useful.

【免費攝影App】PSD Converter-APP點子

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