This application is a GPS-based Speedometer showing the speed of the device it is installed on. The speed is displayed both with an analogue gauge and...
Cars are the preferred mode of transportation in Malaysia but how much do car owners know about their cars? Motorists expect their drives to be a safe...
“Car Maintenance Reminder Lite” is an all-in-one car application that helps you to: (1). Keep track of mileage, fuel efficiency and cost; (2). Log ser...
Buying a new car is a big decision and one of the most important things to consider is safety. But how can you tell how safe a new model is, especiall...
■ 삼성 스마트 오븐 앱은?- 스마트 오븐으로 만든 다양한 레시피를 검색할 수 있습니다.- 자주 보는 레시피를 등록하여 쉽고 빠르게 볼 수 있습니다.- 스마트 오븐 초보구매자를 위한 사용가이드와 요리, 베이킹의 기초를 배울 수 있습니다.- 레시피를 보고 구매할 식재료 ...