Not Your Baby|生活線上App不用買


【免費生活App】Not Your Baby-APP點子

Not Your Baby is an app designed to give you ideas for how you can respond to situations of sexual harassment at home, work, school and on the street and public transit.

It includes facts and personal stories; information on how you can support someone you know dealing with harassment; and important resources and organizations.

Not Your Baby’s content is based on ideas and experiences shared by 238 people who responded to a survey on the issues. It won’t have all the answers, but it can help you get a real understanding of how others have responded and how they found support.

If you have your own ideas and experiences to share, Not Your Baby gives you the chance. It’s interactive and grows as people use and contribute to it!

Not Your Baby is a project of METRAC (the Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children), a community-based charity based in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) that prevents violence against diverse women and youth. The app has been designed in partnership with TAKE ACTION Games (Sean Brousseau, Lead Programmer; Ala' Diab, Experience Designer; producers/directors Huy Truong, Susana Ruiz and Ashley York).

We thank all survey respondents and project partners: Hollaback!; Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto; and Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children.

Funding for Not Your Baby was provided by the Gift of Gertrude Milrod Gotlib.

Thanks to Nathan Willar for creating some images used in this app. Other images are used from The Noun Project.

【免費生活App】Not Your Baby-APP點子

【免費生活App】Not Your Baby-APP點子

【免費生活App】Not Your Baby-APP點子

【免費生活App】Not Your Baby-APP點子

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Not Your Baby APP LOGO

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Not Your Baby APP QRCode

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