News for Game of Thrones - Unofficial Edition|娛樂線上App不用買


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Be the first to know what's going on in the best show in the world!All the news, videos, rumors and gossip brought to you in one easy to use interface by Newsfusion Game of Thrones News. All the sources, blogs and youtube channels in one free app!In the app you'll find:All the Sources You Need - All the leading news sources and blogs in one place! For each story all sources that covered it are one tap away! Customized news feed - Create your own magazine from a great variety of topics - rumors, characters, spoilers and more ! Just select the topics you want to follow on the topics menu to create your own personalized news feed or simply block out topics you don't like! Always be up to date - Personalized push notifications for your selected topics and/or for important news stories (optional) ! News, Spoilers, and deleted scenes - Videos compiled from leading Youtube channels - not a thing you won't know!Social Summary - See what the people you follow on Twitter say on the news stories you read ! Speak your mind - Comment on any News Item right from within the app and reply to other comments as well. Busy?For iOS8 and up - an awesome new widget! Glance at the news and stay up to date!Read laterSave interesting stories easily and for free! iPhone only features - Collapsed modeAn effective reading mode! Skim through the news and decide what you want to read, save or share!Block sourceFilter out unwanted sourcesUse of the Newsfusion Application is governed by the Newsfusion Terms of Use (

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