


When you get together with good friends, ramp up the fun with Neonim!In Neonim, a light and sound board game, players take turns zapping randomly aligned balls of light; the player who zaps the last ball loses. The game unfolds both horizontally and vertically, and the secret to winning is to give your brain a workout by trying to read your opponents' tactics. (However, you can't zap diagonally.) Play against a friend or challenge the CPU by yourself - but the most fun is getting a group together to play. Up to four people can play Neonim at the same time, so it's perfect for family gatherings and parties. It's really best when everyone is making a lot of noise and having a lot of fun! The light balls and sounds are sure to add to the enjoyment!Rules* Each player takes turns using a finger to zap balls.* Each player can zap one ball or a horizontal or vertical line of balls in any location during his turn.* The player can zap light balls only when they are adjoining.* Balls cannot be zapped diagonally. * The player who zaps the last ball is the loser.List of Functions* Play with up to 4 players and including the CPU available * 3 levels of difficulty for the CPU* Can be used when the iPad is either horizontal or vertical * Restart function allows you to resume a game after an interruption * Sound and/or BGM can be set to ON or OFF Everyone can play, so it's great for these occasions:* When you want to liven up a party* When you're shy and having trouble talking to someone you like* When you want to have fun with your family after a meal* When you want to improve communication with your husband or wife* When you happen to get four friends together* When you want to kill time while waiting in a lineAnd many more!





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