Name That Song!|解謎線上App不用買


【免費解謎App】Name That Song!-APP點子

Name That Song is a music trivia game that tests your knowledge of the MP3 songs that are on your android device. For each question, a song is played and four possible answers are displayed. You must correctly identify the artist or title of a song as quickly as possible. The longer you take to answer, the fewer points you can earn. Answering incorrectly causes points to be deducted from your score.


【免費解謎App】Name That Song!-APP點子

• Multiple game lengths (SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG).

【免費解謎App】Name That Song!-APP點子

• Selectable song start positions (BEGINNING, MIDDLE, RANDOM).

【免費解謎App】Name That Song!-APP點子

• Ability to restrict questions to only choose songs from particular genres and decades.

【免費解謎App】Name That Song!-APP點子

• A score multiplier is calculated based on the number of songs that match the selected genres and decades. Use less restrictive selections for a higher score multiplier.

【免費解謎App】Name That Song!-APP點子

• Features global leaderboards and unlockable achievements(*).


【免費解謎App】Name That Song!-APP點子

• Name That Song requires that you have a minimum of 12 valid MP3 songs stored on your device and/or SD Card. The more songs the better.

【免費解謎App】Name That Song!-APP點子

• For a song to be considered valid the following must be true:

o The song tag must contain valid artist, title, genre, and year fields.

o The song length must be at least 60 seconds.

* Use of global leaderboards and unlockable achievements requires the creation of a free Swarm Connect account.

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Name That Song! APP LOGO

Name That Song! LOGO-APP點子

Name That Song! APP QRCode

Name That Song! QRCode-APP點子
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