My Quiz Engine|益智線上App不用買


【免費益智App】My Quiz Engine-APP點子

Create, Share & Download Quizzes.

Create your own custom quiz. MyQuiz keeps all the quizzes locally on your phone so you don't need internet access all the time while you play a quiz.

MyQuiz allows you to Favorite quizzes and group quizzes giving you the ability to manage and organise your quizzes so you don't have to keep looking for your quiz you want to play.

You can use MyQuiz to create multiple choice or free text tests if you like. Create quizzes for whatever reason you wish.

【免費益智App】My Quiz Engine-APP點子

【免費益智App】My Quiz Engine-APP點子

MyQuiz has been designed to give you as much control over what quiz you want to create. If you don't like what you've created, change it, change it again, change it as many times as you want.

Create as many quiz's as you want.

【免費益智App】My Quiz Engine-APP點子

Add as many questions as you want.

【免費益智App】My Quiz Engine-APP點子

Customise quiz's to play how you want.

You can create multiple choice questions, input text questions, question with timers and more.

【免費益智App】My Quiz Engine-APP點子

Play your quiz or someone else's quiz. If you want, change it and play it again. It's up to you.

【免費益智App】My Quiz Engine-APP點子

Just select a quiz you want to share and send the generated link to the person you want to play the quiz, that's it.

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免費玩My Quiz Engine App

My Quiz Engine APP LOGO

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My Quiz Engine APP QRCode

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