Mountain Fit- Denali Dozen|健康線上App不用買


【免費健康App】Mountain Fit- Denali Dozen-APP點子

Key exercises to build leg and core strength for long distance runners, hikers, and alpine climbers. In as little as 12 minutes a day, build strength in critical areas that your existing training might be missing. Can help improve running time, climbing speed, and endurance.

Whether you're preparing to climb Rainier or Denali or just a good day hike, these will help you finish strong.

All exercises can be done without any special equipment (some can be done with weights as you improve). Adjustable timer and cartoons serve as reminder for each exercise. Research each to be sure you're doing them correctly.

Work up to finishing the Denali Dozen each day to be stronger and more fit. Ease into this program as it's going to be a work out!

【免費健康App】Mountain Fit- Denali Dozen-APP點子

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