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MotivAider® For Mobile helps iPhone users make virtually any desired change in their own behavior and habits.This app works in the background using a simple proven method to automatically facilitate behavior change.(See a brief video demo at® For Mobile for iPhone replicates much of the functionality of the MotivAider®, an ingeniously simple dedicated electronic device that was invented by a clinical psychologist to make it easier for people to change their own behavior. The MotivAider® has a truly impressive track record. For over two decades, it's helped thousands of people of all ages in over 40 countries make a wide range of life-improving changes. (To learn more about the MotivAider®, please visit the dedicated MotivAider® device, MotivAider® For Mobile works by correcting for a largely overlooked glitch in the design of the human mind - the lack of a dependable mechanism for keeping good intentions "on the front burner." The app is designed to automatically keep you focused on making any change you decide to make. It prevents your good intentions from getting lost in the shuffle of a busy mind, a busy life and a busy world. MotivAider® For Mobile is extremely easy to use. It uses a private prompt to repeatedly trigger your desired behavior. • First you devise a brief personal message that serves as a trigger or cue to remind and urge you to engage in the desired behavior. • Then you choose a prompt type - either vibration alone or vibration plus an audible tone - and decide how often to receive prompts. • Next you simply "associate" your personal message with the prompt so that whenever you feel (and if you choose, also hear) the prompt, you'll automatically think your personal message. That's all there is to it! It's not just simple. It's effective. • You can get prompts as often as you like - as often as once every few seconds. • You can choose whether to get prompts at regular or random intervals. • You can pause and resume prompting whenever you want.• You can have prompting stop at a set time every day. • You can easily tweak your behavior change projects to get the results you want. • MotivAider® For Mobile helps you be more successful by forcing you to focus on making one change at a time. Once you've made a desired change, you can move on to the next project. If you're looking for bells and whistles and flashy features and technical acrobatics that won't actually help you achieve results, MotivAider® For Mobile For iPhone is not for you. This app values simplicity and effectiveness over razzle dazzle. It's carefully designed to cut through the clutter and complexity that often prevents people from making desired behavior changes. MotivAider® For Mobile aims to do no more - and no less - than it must do to enable you to achieve your behavior change goals. MotivAider® For Mobile users can access free habit change resources that help users of the dedicated MotivAider® device achieve great results.----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: This app was designed specifically for use on iPhones. Although technically compatible with iPod and iPad, its functionality on these devices is severely restricted and we therefore do not recommend using the app on these devices. ----------------------------------------------------------------------MotivAider® For Mobile For iPhone was developed for Behavioral Dynamics, Inc., originator of the MotivAider®, by Pidex, Inc.,

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