Morse Message|通訊線上App不用買


【免費通訊App】Morse Message-APP點子

Morse Message translates SMSes into Morse code beeps and/or vibrations.

Beeps can be switched to "Stealth Mode", utilising high frequencies to hide incoming messages. Find a frequency that's barely audible and only people specifically listening for the signal will notice it. You can add vibrations for extra "stealth" when the phone is in your pocket.

The sender's name is transmitted at the beginning of the message. Select their first name only, or their full name to be transmitted.

Morse Message will beep and/or vibrate based on your phone's current "Silent" settings. You can override this to "Always Beep" and/or "Always Vibrate".

Settings for the "transmission speed", "tone frequency" and "number of letters to transmit" are configured for each different mode (normal beeps, high frequency beeps and vibration mode).

An initial delay can be configured to provide sufficient time for your SMS notification before the Morse code begins.

【免費通訊App】Morse Message-APP點子

【免費通訊App】Morse Message-APP點子

【免費通訊App】Morse Message-APP點子

免費玩Morse Message APP玩免費

免費玩Morse Message App

Morse Message APP LOGO

Morse Message LOGO-APP點子

Morse Message APP QRCode

Morse Message QRCode-APP點子
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