Months of the year|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Months of the year-APP點子

Months of the Year application teaches to identify months of the year with various easy learning method. How to Play: Application will display the question regarding month of the year and ask user to identify the months of the year for current,future and past time,user's task is to identify the correct answer,each correct answer will increase user's score by one,for each round of question,application will give two chance to user to set the correct answer,for each round of quiz,user can make maximum of 2 attempt, if fail on second attempt ,application will give detail explanation and then application will generate new round of quiz. Features: 
 Application has two different Level.Level I is for lower standard.Level II is for higher standard. Functionality of MENU 
 Help: Will take you to the Help screen which will provide needed help on the Application. Home: Will take you to the Home screen, which will allows to choose from different Level. Support ---------------------------------------- 
Support is not just what we do. It's really what makes us, well, us. It's that drive to make a difference in your life - no matter how big or small. Really, it's our way of life because we want you to be our customer for a lifetime of fun and learning. Have questions? We are here to help. Email us at

【免費教育App】Months of the year-APP點子

【免費教育App】Months of the year-APP點子

【免費教育App】Months of the year-APP點子

【免費教育App】Months of the year-APP點子

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Months of the year APP LOGO

Months of the year LOGO-APP點子

Months of the year APP QRCode

Months of the year QRCode-APP點子
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