카톡 알림때문에 자다가 깨신적 없으신가요?자다가 쓸데없는 스팸이나 전화때문에 자다가 깨신적 있으시죠?그런 분들을 위해서 Mute On Sleep가 나왔습니다.깊은 밤, 피곤한 밤 잠을 잘때 예민하시거나 민감하신 분들을 위해 수면중 벨소리 및 알림음을 음소거를 하여 숙면...
QuickAnswer is touch without using a proximity sensor and conveniently receive a call to help get a smart phone app.Dirty hands or gloves, or to answe...
Energy Connect connects your Smart Distribution Box into the Energy Cloud, providing peak power reduction, energy monitoring, remote control of your a...
ManiWheel is "Prayer wheel (摩尼車)". This app rotates "The Heart Sutra (般若心経)" or "The Six-syllabled Mantra" as not images but letters. According to the...