In this installment, D unwillingly acquires an assistant, and the villagers try to take things into their own hands.Towering above the sleepy village ...
In this installment, the unusual nature of D's opponent becomes obvious to all.Towering above the sleepy village of Tepes are ancient ruins once erect...
In this installment, D realizes that the real foe is even more powerful than he thought, and Lina discovers a dangerous secret.Towering above the slee...
In this installment, D faces the real enemy, but the outcome may bring more sorrow than joy.Towering above the sleepy village of Tepes are ancient rui...
"Vampire Hunter D has staved off an attack from Larmica, daughter of the vampire lord Count Magus Lee, and her werewolf servant. But can he protect Do...
"In this installment, Doris is pursued by Rei-Ginsei and D escapes from the castle.The year is 12,090 A.D., and what little is left of humanity has fi...