~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10,000 English Idioms with Explanation and Examples. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Idioms are ...
Help you learn 400 most basic words rapidly through pictures, and voices. Functions: 1. Words are divided into different types (such as: clothes and f...
OCEARCH's Global Shark Tracker lets you observe the navigational pattern of sharks that have been tagged with satellite tracking technology all for th...
This resourceful study tool contains over 1,000 of the most common words and pronunciations in the Greek New Testament and is compatible with most pop...
Cúla4 is the young peoples service on TG4 (the national Irish Language broadcaster). This second App in the Cúlacaint series, brings you over 100 fun ...
Finally a hi-tech coaching app from Ali Rittenhouse! Ali is part coach, technology trainer and mentor to digital divas everywhere and ALL tech cheerle...