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Mastering Influence and Persuasion: 30-Min. Success Essentials for Salespeople (by Chris Widener) is presented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook app combines a professional audio recording with supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.

Every salesperson needs help when it comes to developing skills of influence. Learn the secrets to the trade, which when used effectively, can turn any salesperson into a powerful force of persuasion. Imagine what you can accomplish by using this system for persuasion to shape the opinions of buying committees, tough buyers and resistant shoppers.

Chris Widener has personally learned these secrets from master sales pros including Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy. Before Chris became a New York Times best seller, he was working shoulder to shoulder on the platform with Jim Rohn and Les Brown who shared their timeless wisdom like:

“You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.” Jim Rohn

“You gotta be hungry” Les Brown

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar

If you ever wished you could take time out to go to an in-person sales seminar, then take Mastering Influence and Persuasion home and enjoy one of the USA’s top motivators any time you want. In the car, out for a run or unwinding at home, you can power-up your influence skills while maintaining your busy schedule. Do you have the hunger?

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