StudyMyPerformance uses 2 different reaction tests to quantify your level of alertness. From a number of studies it is known that a decrease in averag...
StudyMyTremor let you record, analyze, and track the trembling of your hand, the so-called "Tremor". This app uses a highly sophisticated, scientifica...
Magazyn branżowy „Stworzone dla Farmaceuty” to nowa jakość na rynku profesjonalnych wydawnictw adresowanych do aptekarzy w Polsce.Twórcom pisma przyśw...
OmniChannel é o novo conceito que a Alternate traz para sua farmácia!É a evolução do conceito de multicanal que conhecemos hoje, e oferecer ao consumi...
Who else wants an easy to use App for tracking blood sugar?With Sugar Check, setting a reminder to check your blood sugar has never been easier. Simpl...
Complicated and annoying to determine your insulin needs? Irregular blood sugar values or frequent hypoglycemia? SugarPal Diabetes Manager makes it ea...