MSupport (Multi Support)|生活線上App不用買


【免費生活App】MSupport (Multi Support)-APP點子

◆ ◆ ◆ MSupport (Multi Support) ◆ ◆ ◆

Remote multi-enterprise support program by the MSupport transmission customers Pc screen, and see the

Keyboard, and mouse can be controlled completely.

In addition, the existing remote control and different speed (transfer some of the screen at the beginning of the frame -1) by adjusting the environment the network is slow, remote.


- Up to three at the same time if you use a multi-product remote.

Adjusting the various options such as quality, size, speed (frames).

- Separate settings in the router, firewall environment without remote control.

【免費生活App】MSupport (Multi Support)-APP點子

Mobile keyboard, mouse of a complete implementation of the action.


* Online customer center real-time customer service

* In-house help desk - house Pc remote action failure

Remote consultation * public institution of the petitioner

* System development / maintenance

[How to use]

1 Agent by running the Watcher numeric authentication code (4-digit) issued and delivered to the customer.

【免費生活App】MSupport (Multi Support)-APP點子

2 Customers received authentication code (numbers) to the 4-digit Agent waiting to be connected.

3 The Watcher on the Agent to connect to the remote agent support.

For more information, refer to the website.

원격지원,원격,지원,다중원격지원,PC원격지원,재택근무,재택,원격지원프로그램,지원프로그램,헬프데스크,원격상담,상담,msupport,Mult Support

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MSupport (Multi Support) APP LOGO

MSupport (Multi Support) LOGO-APP點子

MSupport (Multi Support) APP QRCode

MSupport (Multi Support) QRCode-APP點子
Google Play