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【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

My Astro Space Astronomy Forum or MASA( in astronomy, astrophotography, satellite tracking, space technology, our Milky Way Galaxy and more?No matter what your skill level is, whether you are a complete novice or paid professional, My Astro Space Astronomy Forum or MASA is an interactive nebula of people from all over the world contributing knowledge or gaining from that knowledge on our great interactive platform.You can even use your Facebook profile to log in, making this a seamless experience.Whether you want to learn more about telescopes, CCD cameras, how to photograph deep space or just enjoy being an armchair astronomer, has a comfy armchair for you.We offer an astronomy trade section for you to either sell or buy secondhand equipment.Dedicated astrophotography section where you can show off your work or simply ask a thousand questions.Dedicated visual observing section for reporting and learning.Equipment discussion section for telescopes, eyepieces, cameras and more.Astronomy for beginners section.Observatory and DIY section.Computer software section.Solar imaging and observing section.More sections are already available and more sections will get created as the demand grows.You’ll have the ability to post your photos, whether they are of deep space or a beautiful sunset; the myriad of novice to skilled people is bound to offer advice and feedback.If you are a member of an astronomical society or club, we can create sections where only your members can have access. This means your club will have its very own place inside a smartphone App.The developer of this App is an avid astrophotographer, so building the site and MASA App is simply a labour of love.You can view more of his work here – Anyone can do what is seen on that site.The founder of learnt his skills from interactive platforms such as this one. Books are great, but can date very quickly these days, especially where technology is involved. An astronomy ‘how to’ book selling this year, may be outdated next year depending on the level of technological content. This is where the internet and interactive forums will always win. Not only does the knowledge on the forum move every day with every technological advancement or latest astronomical discovery, but your knowledge base comes not just from your local astronomy club, but like-minded people from across the globe.If you are interested in astronomy in anyway then this App is for you.We know it is early days, so we appreciate all your feedback and will work hard to maintain a healthy and interactive platform.If you find any bugs please let us know, but the App is free, so please don’t abuse us if a link doesn’t work because we’re here for you.

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

【免費教育App】MASA - My Astro Space Astronomy-APP點子

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