Low Sodium Coffee Options|健康線上App不用買


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If your doctor tells you that you need to be on a "low sodium diet", this app will tell you which coffee and tea drinks at popular USA chains meet the requirements by the FDA for "low sodium options" that you can enjoy in a very easy-to-use and simple manner.

Do you have high blood pressure or past heart failure and would like to drink a soy latte?

Are you struggling with hypertension and would like to drink a mocha?

Are you a distance runner, endurance or professional athlete that must keep their sodium down while going out to eat or to the coffee shop with your spouse or friends?

Do you look at a nutrition sheet and say, "Hmm, ok, a small pumpkin latte has xyz sodium. What if I order it with skim milk, and add some sugar and creamer to it? Is it the same?"

This app is built for you then!

Brands included are: Panera Bread, Tim Hortons, Dunkin Donuts, Caribou Coffee, Starbucks, Seattle's Best, and McDonalds.

This app is not associated, built, or funded by any of the above corporations, or the FDA or the Mayo Clinic or any health professional. It is acknowledged that the sodium information comes from the companies themselves. Please consult your personal doctor or dietitian before attempting a lifestyle or dietary change.

VISIT US: biolithic.tumblr.com

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This will be updated with user requests so please give feedback.

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Thank you for purchasing and I hope you enjoy it!

This app is not built, funded nor associated in any way with the aforementioned companies. The information on this site including, but not limited to, all text and images ("Content") are owned and copyrighted by the aforementioned companies or others with all rights reserved unless otherwise noted. Any Content that is a trademark, logo, or service mark is also a registered and unregistered trademark of the aforementioned companies. Nothing on the application should be taken to constitute professional advice, medical advice or a formal recommendation and we exclude all representations and warranties relating to the content and use of these applications.

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