Low Light Screen Dimmer|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Low Light Screen Dimmer-APP點子

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Dim your display as low as possible. Low Light is perfect for text messaging or gaming in the dark. Use this app to make your screen dimmer.

"Everything can be changed on the fly!"

Low Light is easy and intuitive to use. Press one button and you're ready to go!

-The screen dimmer floats above all of your applications so you can use it at anytime.

【免費工具App】Low Light Screen Dimmer-APP點子

-The "grab tab" allows you to place the screen dimmer anywhere on your screen.

-The lights emitted from your phones buttons are deactivated.

【免費工具App】Low Light Screen Dimmer-APP點子

-The screen dimmer also dims your lock screen.

-The "easy exit" feature allows you to turn Low Light off at anytime.

【免費工具App】Low Light Screen Dimmer-APP點子

tags: screen dimmer filter low light bright brightness dim display

【免費工具App】Low Light Screen Dimmer-APP點子

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免費玩Low Light Screen Dimmer App

Low Light Screen Dimmer APP LOGO

Low Light Screen Dimmer LOGO-APP點子

Low Light Screen Dimmer APP QRCode

Low Light Screen Dimmer QRCode-APP點子
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