Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings|通訊線上App不用買


【免費通訊App】Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings-APP點子

Lovepedia® is one of the most known online chatting and dating sites.

The app "Lovepedia chat" allow you to chat from your smartphone or tablet with your contacts on Lovepedia and with more than hundreds of thousands of people searching for new friends.

* More than 680.000 people registered to meet or chat with.

【免費通訊App】Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings-APP點子

* You can search and find new people to chat with and make new friends.

【免費通訊App】Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings-APP點子

* All the functionalities of the Mobile version of Lovepedia are available directly from the app.

【免費通訊App】Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings-APP點子

* Receive real-time notifications of new chat invitations or chat messages.

【免費通訊App】Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings-APP點子

* Receive notifications when you get new private messages, someone visits your profile, updates and more.

【免費通訊App】Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings-APP點子

* Keep always in touch with your favourites users and your contacts.

【免費通訊App】Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings-APP點子

* Be always available for the users that want to chat with you.

【免費通訊App】Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings-APP點子

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Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings APP LOGO

Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings LOGO-APP點子

Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings APP QRCode

Lovepedia ♥ Chat and Datings QRCode-APP點子
Google Play