Calculates the hours and minutes between two times. The times can be minutes or days apart and the result will be in decimal (ex 1.4) or hours and min...
Perfect Photo provides you with an easy-to-use set of effects( B&W;, Sepia, Ocean, Burn, Invert, Flip, Atmosphere, Fog, Freeze, Lava, Metal, Rainbow, ...
Southwire has created this great tool to help electricians, engineers and contractors answer the question, “What size conduit do I use” per the NEC®, ...
Monitor and manage your ViaSat Yonder satellite terminal and service on your Apple device in real time.Handy for flight crews, this is a must-have too...
*** iPhone 5 Compatible app *** *** Private Security is the important thing for everybody & We believe that "Secrecy should always be honored" *** ** ...