Learn Spanish with SpeakTribe|教育線上App不用買


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Learn Spanish with SpeakTribe using our new innovative approach designed especially for beginners to start speaking quickly!

Here is what some of our users say about us -

* Fastest way to get started with Spanish ...

【免費教育App】Learn Spanish with SpeakTribe-APP點子

* ... I would recommend this to all who want to learn Spanish ... you will learn basic Spanish in no time

Using SpeakTribe you learn Spanish and test for it at the same time by playing a game. You will start speaking by learning words, short phrases and sentences in just 5 days. Speaktribe is designed to be your personal coach in helping you learn basics including vocabulary and pronunciation in a fun and easy way. In 5 days, you will see that you have started getting hang of basic Spanish!

The design is based on scientific research which tells that, to understand basics of a language you need not master a large vocabulary. Speak tribe introduces you to the more common words and phrases first, so that by the end of first day itself you can form your own basic sentences which are not just academic but also practical.

There are many other guiding principles behind the design -

【免費教育App】Learn Spanish with SpeakTribe-APP點子

* Language is primarily vocal - SpeakTribe emphasizes on listening and speaking more than anything else, the two faculties which are also the most useful to a new learner.

* You need to practice a language to master it and gain confidence. And so, SpeakTribe provides you ability to chat (speak) with the application.

【免費教育App】Learn Spanish with SpeakTribe-APP點子

* Any language has a small number of prepositions and conjunctions, some of which take some time to master but are crucial to your understanding of the language.

* Noun words constitute the majority of a mature vocabulary but they do not give you the best ROI initially in terms understanding a language. Once you have a solid foundation built, you will find picking up these words pretty easy.

【免費教育App】Learn Spanish with SpeakTribe-APP點子

* Verbs are the most useful but the most difficult set to master.

So go ahead, give it a shot, and start speaking Spanish - on of the most popular languages of the world! You will find it was actually fun to learn Spanish

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