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WAGmob brings you, Simple 'n Easy, on-the-go learning app for "Learn Android Programming". The bite sized app helps you to understand the basics of "Learn Android Programming".

Only 101 introduction to "Learn Android Programming" is provided via this app. The app provides snack sized, bite sized learning. It is not a replacement for the book.

App features include tutorials, quizzes and flashcards.

"Learn Android Programming" includes tutorials, quizzes, and flashcards for following:

【免費書籍App】Learn Android Programming-APP點子

Introduction - I,

Introduction - II,

Android Programming Basics,

Java Introduction - I,

Java Introduction - II,

Android Activity Life Cycle - I,

Android Activity Life Cycle - II,

【免費書籍App】Learn Android Programming-APP點子

Android Manifest XML File - I,

Android Manifest XML File - II,

Android Application Development - I,

Android Application Development - II,

Android Programming Architecture,

Android Development with Eclipse,

Android SDK - I,

Android SDK - II,

Android SDK Installation,

【免費書籍App】Learn Android Programming-APP點子

Android Package Index I,

Android Package Index II,

Android Package Index III,

Android Package Index IV,

Android UI,

Layout - I,

Layout - II,

Types of Layout - I,

Types of Layout - II,

【免費書籍App】Learn Android Programming-APP點子

Types of Layout - III,

Types of Layout - IV,

Android Hello World Program,

Android Resources,

Data Storage - I,

Data Storage - II,

Debugging - I,

Debugging - II,

Transformation in 2D.

【免費書籍App】Learn Android Programming-APP點子

About WAGmob apps:

1) A companion app for on-the-go, bite-sized learning.

2) Offers value for money (a lifetime of free updates).

3) Over One million paying customers from 175+ countries.

Our Vision: A platform to create, amplify & distribute SIMPLE ’N EASY APPS for a lifetime of on-the-go learning

【免費書籍App】Learn Android Programming-APP點子

Our Mission: A simple ’n easy WAGmob app in every hand.

Please write to us at Team@WAGmob.com. We would love to improve this app.

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