


For customers, LayPay is an easy to use mobile and web application that allows you to have complete control over how and when you make your payments to businesses, as well as more flexibility than other payment providers in making payments. Ever wanted to choose how you pay every bill, easily and quickly? Ever wanted to have all your direct debits and payments managed in a single place? That’s what LayPay does - you decide whether you want to use your bank account or credit/debit card (and when you change your mind, LayPay easily allows you to change and update payment methods during a payment cycle), and once you agree to the set schedule set by the business, you can transact safely knowing you’ll never miss a payment!If you have received a bill, invoice or receipt with a LayPay code, you can use LayPay to scan and pay your bill. Simply download our free mobile application and scan the code or enter the corresponding bill code to begin making payments. Once you have agreed and signed up to the business’s schedule, payments will automatically be deducted and paid by you on the agreed, regularly scheduled date.LayPay is so easy to use you can pay a bill or make a payment in less than 30 seconds! LayPay provides total visibility and transparency into what has been by paid by you, where and how the payment was made. With LayPay, you won’t ever miss a payment!For businesses, LayPay is a new payment service that offers the ability to grow revenues and improve cash flow through innovative payment processes. LayPay enables businesses to offer customers new products and services whilst giving end customers complete flexibility of controlling how they make payments. Businesses can offer pay by the week, month, quarter or whatever period they want, as well as any regular form of payment that offers customers a more affordable method to go ahead with a purchase, thus increasing the likelihood of purchase by customers. Simply enable LayPay across your website, proposal material, products, invoices or any other method of customer communication and LayPay takes care of the rest!For non-profits, LayPay has been created with non-profits in mind, and allows non-profits the ability to accept and receive donations through the use of our uniquely designed mobile app and website. Non-profits can accept donations online or from people’s smartphones. As a non-profit, simply sign up to our service, create a LayPay code, add the code to any form of your customer communications (letters, pamphlets or website etc) and begin receiving donations from people in minutes.










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