Lapua Ballistics|運動線上App不用買


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Lapua Ballistics is the ultimate in accurate exterior ballistic software for deriving elevation (shooting distance) and wind correction solutions on the range, in special operations or in the hunting fields. Whereas Lapua’s Quick Target Unlimited (QTU) software is for calculations, bullet comparison, ballistic table printing etc. purposes at home with a PC, the new Lapua Ballistics program is always available in your pocket- with the same astonishingly high level of accuracy.

Lapua Ballistics is based on precisely accurate Doppler radar ballistic measurements of Lapua bullets- professional data available only for Lapua bullets. This makes Lapua Ballistics much more accurate than any other ballistic program for mobile phones. Only Quick Target Unlimited software can compare to this degree of accuracy. As an example, error with this program in elevation is less than 2.5 cm (1”) for 338 Lapua Magnum at 1,500 meters (1,640 yds) –less than a quarter of one click, with a standard 1⁄4 MOA click scope . With traditional B.C. (G1), error would be over 1 meter (>40”).

【免費運動App】Lapua Ballistics-APP點子

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