Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure|遊戲線上App不用買


【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

Once upon a time, Lala-Muh is walking across a beautiful green meadow as out of a sudden Lala’s best friend Lala-Bear shows up in his little plane. --- This was how Lala's first adventure has started.Now Lala is facing her 2nd Adventure! Everything is a bit more difficult. While Lala is catching the ballons Lala has to take care not to take the wrong colors. This will now be cost one of your already achieved balloons.And Lala has now 2 new Adventures with collecting the right marbles. You have to help Lala in sorting the right colors and shapes.While the marbles are running down the little bridges into the silos you have to eleminate by a fingertip the wrong marbles.Once the silos are complete with the right marbles the adventure is successfully done :)If the level is too easy - no problem. On the Home-screen there is a Turtle/Rabbit Button to switch into a faster mode if needed.What are you getting ?———————————————* An interactive landscape * Many interactive elements and animations on each screen (windmill, gallons, trees, chimney, fireworks, various different sound effects, and Lala-Muh the yellow cow,..) * Colorful and funny pictures * One scene in the landscape (successor from Lala-Muhs first App)* And two new scenes with different levels of difficulty sorting marbles* You can play it on iPad, iPhone and iPhone touch (but you need iOS7). It's an universal App! Privacy Policy———————* We don’t collect any personally identifiable information about our users.* We don’t use technology to collect and disclose to a third party a user’s personal information* Our apps don’t use or collect a user’s geographic location.* Our apps don’t contain information about our other apps with links to those apps* Our apps don’t contain social network integration or other social features* Our apps don’t contain In-App Purchase to enable additional content.see also

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure-APP點子

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Lala-Muh! 2 - The Marble Adventure APP QRCode

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