Face melting solos, chest pounding drums and mind blowing lyrics! Bring all that right into the palm of your hand anywhere on the go. Download Parklan...
Jukey is a android music player with a Jukebox style interface. Browse your albums with the jukebox style buttons, or swipe actions. Select a song by ...
Landscape Version - Suited for larger screen phones and tablets.The Android Jukebox Retro (Jukebox 2012) software has been designed to be a simple to ...
U JukeBOX é uma plataforma de web rádios associadas. Através dela você pode ouvir as rádios de diversas empresas, em um só lugar. São rádios de divers...
9s-Music HD,專為平板電腦大尺寸螢幕設計與支援Android 3.0的音樂播放媒體,是音樂愛好者的最佳良伴。運用3D影像技術,9s-Music HD 呈現絕佳的介面,帶給使用者為之驚艷的視覺效果。此外,直覺又人性化的操作介面,擺脫繁雜的操作程序,使用者能夠快速輕易的上手。擁有9s-Musi...