Kroger Co.|購物線上App不用買


【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

*** NOTE: We just corrected some server issues that were causing our app to crash for a small group of customers, as well as a separate server issue that prevented digital coupon offers from appearing for other customers. If you are having problems with either of those issues, please contact a Kroger Customer Connect ambassador at 866-221-4141. We regret any inconvenience. ***

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

Looking for the ultimate mobile/tablet shopping experience? Save time and money with the Kroger Co. App! The Kroger Co. App puts convenience and savings at your fingertips. Simply download the app, create an account and register your Kroger Co. Shopper’s Card to take advantage of all these great benefits:

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

- Load online coupons directly to your Shopper’s Card and your shopping list.

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

- Create an online shopping list that you can update and use any time.

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

- View Weekly Ads and quickly add Weekly Ad items to your shopping list.

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

- Access exclusive promotions and save money with personalized offers.

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

- Refill your Kroger Co. Pharmacy prescriptions directly from your phone or tablet. Type your prescription number and select your Pharmacy to schedule a convenient pickup time.

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

- Check your fuel points and view your rewards history.

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

- Use the store locator to find stores and fuel centers nearby.

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

Great feedback from customers like you on this mobile app and our other digital services help us improve them and make your shopping experience even better - so thank you! Keep those suggestions coming, and watch for additional enhancements as we roll them out:

【免費購物App】Kroger Co.-APP點子

- Multiple shopping lists.

- Save items as favorites.

- Save money when you choose items from our Smart Suggest feature.

Thank you for providing your feedback and suggestions. More updates are coming soon. Check or Google Play for the latest digital news.

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免費玩Kroger Co. App

Kroger Co. APP LOGO

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Kroger Co. APP QRCode

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Google Play