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You’re a fashionista, a window shopper, a boutique chic stylist. We know you. You love to find unique items that tell their own story – your story. You’re an independent woman, a thriving teen, a mother of playful children who light up your life. Welcome home to Kisch Boutique – a unique shop located in Fresno, California with a brand new online experience.

At Kisch Boutique, we believe you are unique. Celebrate your individuality and break away from the mass-produced fashions that everyone is wearing. You deserve to stand out in all the best ways. Browse through fashions and accessories for juniors, women and children, all hand-selected by our buying team. At Kisch, you’ll find a unique blend of colors, patterns and styles at an affordable price. We know that being fabulous is not just about having the latest and greatest fashions – it’s also about being a smart shopper! Choose items that suit your style, and see the difference a personal shopping experience makes.

Kisch is a family-owned business and we take pride in our handpicked items. We offer the best prices possible because we are passionate about uniting you with your next favorite find. We’d love to connect you with your date night shoes, your play-date dresses, your everyday jewelry. We keep up to date with the latest fashion trends, so you have plenty of selection to choose from.

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【免費購物App】Kisch Boutique-APP點子

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【免費購物App】Kisch Boutique-APP點子

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