Kanji Magic Learn|教育線上App不用買


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Try the new magic method to learn Japanese, learn without realizing it.The new learning system uses a unique method of repetition that will learn vocabulary as if it were a game. In two hours you will have learned what Japanese schoolchildren take years, guaranteed!Lessons are sorted by Kyoiku kanji list that specifies that kanji schoolchildren should learn all the years of school, from first to sixth grade.Each display shows a kanji and its meaning, you have to choose between four possible answers, the intelligent algorithm is tuned to advance based on repetitions, try the first course, it's free!Learn all the basic japanese vocabulary easily with Kanji Magic Learn! There are a total of 1,006 kanji's divided into six courses:First course: 80 KanjiSecond year: 160 KanjiThird course: 200 KanjiFourth year: 200 KanjiFifth year: 185 KanjiSixth grade: 181 Kanji

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