Kanji Draw Classic|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Kanji Draw Classic-APP點子

※ Kanji Draw Classic has been created to archive the 3.x.x version of Kanji Draw and is only available for Android versions 2.2 to 3.2. If you wish to see the latest full version f Kana Draw please find it here:

【免費教育App】Kanji Draw Classic-APP點子


Kanji Draw is a tool created to help you practice your Japanese writing and improve your character memorization skills. As all Japanese language students should know, kanji stroke order is essential and needs to be known and implemented from the very beginning.

Feature highlights include:

★ Practice and Test Modes;

【免費教育App】Kanji Draw Classic-APP點子

★ Stroke directional support and step through;

【免費教育App】Kanji Draw Classic-APP點子

★ Accuracy statistics and goal-based progression;

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★ Randomization based on Accuracy and Frequency;

【免費教育App】Kanji Draw Classic-APP點子

★ HD Tablet and Screen Support;

【免費教育App】Kanji Draw Classic-APP點子

★ Configurable Canvas.

Please send bug reports or comments to feedback@lusil.net or interact with us on twitter.

【免費教育App】Kanji Draw Classic-APP點子


JLPT Kanji

【免費教育App】Kanji Draw Classic-APP點子

N5: 100% ー N4: 100% ー N3: 50% ー N2: 0% ー N1: 0%

Japanese Grade Kanji

1: 100% ー 2: 100% ー 3: 100% ー 4: 10% ー 5: 1% ー 6: 1%

40% completed of our goal of 1165 characters.

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免費玩Kanji Draw Classic App

Kanji Draw Classic APP LOGO

Kanji Draw Classic LOGO-APP點子

Kanji Draw Classic APP QRCode

Kanji Draw Classic QRCode-APP點子
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