KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet-APP點子

KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet is a great introduction to Russian letters and sounds for kids and adults alike. It is intended for those who already have a basic level of conversational Russian and would like to take the first steps towards reading, especially for young children. This educational game teaches you the Russian alphabet and makes you use it! Brought to you by Ingengo LLC, a member of Moms with Apps, KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet is definitely the way to start learning Russian letters – just one at a time. Master the Russian alphabet first, and then move on to bigger challenges. Before you know it, you will be fluent enough to read Anna Karenina and War and Peace in Russian. Check out a demo video at www.kidismart.comThis game is actually three games in one app: you can first work on KNOW YOUR LETTERS, then challenge yourself with the FIND THE FIRST LETTER game, and finally super challenge yourself with the FIND THE MISSING LETTER game. This way, you learn to recognize Russian letters, associate letters with their sounds, and use the letters to complete simple words. Our app features:*Friendly narrator; *Kid-friendly bright backgrounds and big buttons suitable for the little fingers;*Innovative (and effective! – trust us) approach to learning the Russian alphabet; *The game teaches more than just the alphabet. It also teaches Russian phonics; *Two difficulty levels in FIND THE FIRST LETTER and FIND THE MISSING LETTER games, making our app attractive to beginners and more advanced learners alike; *Each game is interactive, so it is not boring even for the youngest kids;*Ease of use: each game is just one or two clicks away: choose the game, the difficulty level and off you go;*All narration is in Russian (see translation of what is being said in “About”);*No ads; and*One universal app with one low price for iPhone, iPod and iPad.

【免費教育App】KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet-APP點子

【免費教育App】KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet-APP點子

【免費教育App】KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet-APP點子

【免費教育App】KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet-APP點子

【免費教育App】KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet-APP點子

【免費教育App】KIDiLEARN Russian Alphabet-APP點子

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