


InterRupt lets you listen to music and podcasts more safely while cycling and running.

InterRupt lets you listen to music while working but still hear some-one speak to you.

InterRupt measures deviations in the background ambient noise and routes increases through to your headphones.

InterRupt lets you adjust the noise threshold so you can easily set the noise level trigger.

InterRupt lets you adjust the trigger sensitivity so you can block out more noise depending on your environment.

InterRupt lets you save your environment settings so you can quickly change settings.

InterRupt lets you adjust the volume. The volume setting is saved together with the noise threshold level and sensitivity level.

InterRupt is available in English, Danish, Finnish, German, Dutch, French, Italian and Korean. More languages will be supported shortly.

InterRupt will use the mic on your phone as the default but will use a mic on your headset if available.

InterRupt works with internet radio player, music, audio and media players (supporting codecs MP3, AAC, AAC +, WMA, WAV, MIDI, REAL AUDIO, OGG). It doesn't work with the phones integrated FM radio.



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