Instruments Flashcards Guide|教育線上App不用買


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Want to NAIL Your Next Instruments Checkride?

Sick of hauling around all those hard-copy flashcard books in an attempt to study for your checkride or APART? Roger that, we hear ya!...Studying is about to get a whole lot easier for you....

Every Army aviator knows that the 5&9-type flashcards are one of the most IMPORTANT INVESTMENTS you can make to help pass your exams and make you a better, more prepared Pilot. We’ve taken the same concept of the flashcard study aids and gone digital!

You can literally build your own Flashcard library, (from Instruments, to Aeromed, to your Advanced airframe) and store it all on your phone.....which conveniently goes with you pretty much everywhere.

Your Instruments Flashcards will include:

* Almost 200 Custom Designed Flashcards

* An Easy to use "swipe and click" user interface for ease of use

* Questions and Imagery from the DOD FLIP

* Identify Entries into a Holding Pattern (A pictorial view)

* Cards that cover dimensions and requirements for class A, B, C, D, E, and G airspace

* An easy to use searchable index to find specific cards or questions

* A Bookmarking Feature to Learn only the Ones you REALLY need help on

* A HIDE feature to get rid of the ones you ALREADY KNOW.

* Shuffle the cards so you don't see the same order every time (a priceless feature)

* Notepad for storing your OWN Notes -- They don't delete when the App is updated, either!


You can purchase Instruments (or any of our other 5&9 Apps) WITHOUT having to pay for any updates, unlike the hard-copy versions....that’s right folks, updates are FREE!

Imagine your Instruments checkride is tomorrow.....You know that your instructor will turn into a verbal firing range, shooting question after question at you about anything and everything related to Instruments....

You do NOT want to go into one of those checkrides unprepared or lacking confidence in your answers... Have you ever had an Examiner give you that disappointed look as he says “look it up when you get back and get me the answer,” and you sheepishly responding “uh..yes sir...”?

You’ll be able to answer your IP’s roughest questions and execute complex Instruments procedures in a quick and confidence manner!


Download this app, and gain a SWEET advantage during your next checkride or APART!

【免費教育App】Instruments Flashcards Guide-APP點子

【免費教育App】Instruments Flashcards Guide-APP點子

【免費教育App】Instruments Flashcards Guide-APP點子

【免費教育App】Instruments Flashcards Guide-APP點子

【免費教育App】Instruments Flashcards Guide-APP點子

【免費教育App】Instruments Flashcards Guide-APP點子

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