


In this information overload-age it’s sometimes difficult to keep track of events that are of interest to you... Inforze is a combination of a RSS and Social Media aggregator.For each of your sources (RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, eBay, website etc.) you create a “feed”. To maintain overview, your feeds can be stored in different "views" (which you create). This way you categorise your relevant information. A view’s content isn’t limited to a specific source-type. All source-types can be used/mixed in a view.By (optionally) adding keywords to a view you can be very specific about the information you want to display of that view. Per view a separate set of keywords can be coupled.Inforze features: -RSS (1.*, 2.* and Atom)-Twitter o Home o Individual users (Tweeters) o Hashtag (or search) o Twitter-lists o Multiple Twitter accounts supported -Facebook o Home (News) o Timeline o Individual friends o Groups o Friends lists-Standard Feeds o pre-defined feeds you can add to your own/active feeds + divided per country -Easy creation of feeds for: o Instagram o Flickr o Bing o LinkedIn o eBay o Youtube o Facebook o Twitter o RSS -Creation of Views (i.e. categories). Views contain a selection of your feeds. Views aren’t limited to one kind of source. You can mix (all) different kinds of sources in one view + for instance a “Global News” view would contain different RSS-feeds from newspapers + a “Social-private” view with Twitter and Facebook for private use + a “Twitter-work” view for professional use -Multiple search-modes o Ad-hoc keyword search o Multiple Keyword-search + keywords are coupled to Views -Read Later mode o save articles/items to “Read Later” -Tweet, post on Facebook (your wall or a friend’s) and/or mail the item you're reading - Day and Night theme - Version with Ads










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