Home Budget Soft|財經線上App不用買


【免費財經App】Home Budget Soft-APP點子

Home Budget Soft is a personal finance software that can assist you in efficiently managing your income and expenses. The application can serve as income and expense tracker as well as home budget manager. It also supports bills scheduling.

We provide also Lite FREE version.

Main features:

【免費財經App】Home Budget Soft-APP點子

* multi account management

【免費財經App】Home Budget Soft-APP點子

* nice design

【免費財經App】Home Budget Soft-APP點子

* income / expense tracking of actual and scheduled transactions

【免費財經App】Home Budget Soft-APP點子

* great transactions filtering

【免費財經App】Home Budget Soft-APP點子

* monthly / yearly reporting in line and bar charts

【免費財經App】Home Budget Soft-APP點子

* multi currency support

【免費財經App】Home Budget Soft-APP點子

* backup functionality

You can create accounts in more than 150 worldwide currencies. Transfers between accounts, including those with different currencies, are supported as well. We think these features are necessary part of every flexible personal finance software.

One of our main goals has been to make the application very intuitive with friendly and good-looking user interface. Therefore, you can start to work with this home budget software immediately after you install it without any previous knowledge.

You can create any number of transactions, plan your transactions to the future and create recurrent transactions with daily, weekly or monthly patterns.

We provide also desktop versions for Mac and Windows. Please visit our website http://homebudgetsoft.com or search our finance software directly on Mac App Store under the same name.

We are working right now on cloud sync across all the devices.

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