Holy Quran|書籍線上App不用買


【免費書籍App】Holy Quran-APP點子

تم حل خطأ الصفحة 56 آل عمران

برنامج القرآن الكريم

يحتوي علي خواص : البحث ( باللغتين ) تحديد العلامات و التحرك مع العلامة و حفظها و التنقل السلس و القراءة حيث يحتوي علي صوت لاكثر من 7 من مشاهير القراء

و أخيرا خاصية التحفيظ و هي تكرار الآيات

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【免費書籍App】Holy Quran-APP點子




This application is a gift to everyone who is interested in reading the Holy Quran.

First Bilingual Quran application (Arabic/English)

【免費書籍App】Holy Quran-APP點子

The main feature of this application is that it was developed to feel like the real book.

The pages are the same as the real book

Pages are scanned of the Madeenah print and not typed in (no chance of typos and errors).

There are no limits in creating bookmarks.

There are two types of bookmarks, one is dynamic that will indicate the page you read last, and the other is a static one that the reader will assign for frequently read verses or Surahs.

【免費書籍App】Holy Quran-APP點子

Arabic and English Tafseer (Explanation) is embedded along with details of each Surah.

Search in both Arabic and English

For more details on future updates kindly visit our page on facebook.



【免費書籍App】Holy Quran-APP點子

Please do not give low rate , if you face any problem running the application

【免費書籍App】Holy Quran-APP點子

免費玩Holy Quran APP玩免費

免費玩Holy Quran App

Holy Quran APP LOGO

Holy Quran LOGO-APP點子

Holy Quran APP QRCode

Holy Quran QRCode-APP點子
香港 Hong KongAndroid
Google Play