Historical Currency Converter|財經線上App不用買


【免費財經App】Historical Currency Converter-APP點子

The Historical Currency Converter will enable you to calculate the conversion rates for the 4 primary currencies (Japanese Yen, US Dollar, British Sterling and the Euro) for any given date starting from the present date and time and going back to January 1971.As the required data is stored in the iPhone there is no need for an internet connection to access this information if you are looking for a historical rate. To obtain the present rate simply click the update button to get updated rates, and proceed with your inquiry. The easy to use interfaces will allow you to rapidly explore the historical trends of each currency at the touch of a button. Turning your iPhone to it's side will display an expandable graphical chart for the chosen time period and currency pair.It's a 'Must have' for anyone dealing with currencies - analysts, accountants, business executives or individuals who track currency rates and trends.

【免費財經App】Historical Currency Converter-APP點子

【免費財經App】Historical Currency Converter-APP點子

【免費財經App】Historical Currency Converter-APP點子

【免費財經App】Historical Currency Converter-APP點子

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