Hexagonal Color Lines|解謎線上App不用買


【免費解謎App】Hexagonal Color Lines-APP點子

Color Lines - favorite game of all office-managers - but on the field of the form of a hexagon. (aka Hex ColorLines)

This game features Global Score Table, so you can compete with people around the world.

You are to move color balls to form lines of 5 or more of the same color. Such lines will disappear - that is how you can keep the field clean, against 3 new balls added randomly at each move.

After each level you have a choice to clear the field, but higher levels require more lines to be built and blown up to promote further.

The game is currently still in development, so you can send your wishes and ideas to me. (via link "e-mail to author" on this page)

Balls can travel in 6 directions instead of standard 4, but lines could be built also in 6 directions instead of standard 8.

【免費解謎App】Hexagonal Color Lines-APP點子

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