Hexa Sofas|書籍線上App不用買


【免費書籍App】Hexa Sofas-APP點子

Constant ringing phones, a noisy coffee machine, loud conversations here, there and everywhere - sound familiar? An office can often feel like a hectic beehive where people are constantly coming and going, a quiet patch can be hard to find. Good spatial arrangement is key to success. With the Hexa system this becomes much easier. Offices of today are vibrant places: things constantly evolving, change being the only thing thatís constant. People are always in discussion and looking for new solutions. Hexa helps create spaces in which we can focus our positive thoughts and work together efficiently. This is often how some of the best ideas are born. Hexaís extensive range of modules allows the creation of diverse systems, depending on the needs of a specific office and the function it is expected to serve.Since every component of HEXA sofas can be finished with a different colour of upholstery, you get unlimited potential to create colour arrangements.A new configuration tool from the Nowy Styl Group will help you visualize your ideas in an instant.Combine system components and view them in 3D view. Save the results of your work, along with a list of components used, to a "camera roll".The application is available in 5 languages (English, German, Polish, Czech and French).Hexa - Feed your creativity !

【免費書籍App】Hexa Sofas-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Hexa Sofas-APP點子

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