Helios Sun Position Calculator|攝影線上App不用買


【免費攝影App】Helios Sun Position Calculator-APP點子

Helios is a Sun Position Calculator that graphically represents the position of the sun from dusk to dawn, on any given day, in any given place.Designed as an aid to Cinematographers and Stills Photographers working in natural light, Helios is essential to anyone who needs to plan a day around the constantly changing character of sunlight. Helios works without a network connection, though some functions are enhanced when connected to the internet.Gaffers, Grips, Location Managers, Production Designers and First Assistant Directors will already be aware of the value of this information. Other professionals, from Architects and Surveyors to Electricians and Landscape Gardeners can now predict sun exposure in the field, without the need for complex tables or graphs. This information can be emailed and then printed from within the application.Helios operates in 6 modes:HelioMeter - representing the direction of the sun on a compass dial, also indicating elevation and shadow length.Virtual Sun View - showing the sun’s path overlaid onto the camera imageMap View - showing the direction of the sun overlaid onto a map of the locationSky View - a representation of the sun's path across the skyInclinometer- determines at which times the sun will be at a certain elevation.Compass - showing the azimuth of the sun in both degrees and time of dayWhile the accelerometer (inclinometer) and magnetometer (digital compass) of your iPhone are reasonably accurate, we think it wise to keep a high quality analogue device like the Suunto Tandem on hand for critical readings of elevation and azimuth.

【免費攝影App】Helios Sun Position Calculator-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Helios Sun Position Calculator-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Helios Sun Position Calculator-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Helios Sun Position Calculator-APP點子

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美國 (U.S.A)iOS
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