Height estimator for bedridden|醫療線上App不用買


【免費醫療App】Height estimator for bedridden-APP點子

Height estimator for bedridden patients is a simple tool to estimate the height of a patient that cannot stand up. The estimation can be made from one of the following: arm span (distance from tip of middle finger to tip of middle finger with arms and hands extended laterally at 90 from trunk), upper arm length (with upper arm adducted and vertical, elbow bent at 90 , forearm horizontal and anterior, distance from the inferolateral acromium to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus), lower arm length (with upper arm adducted and vertical, elbow bent at 90 , forearm horizontal and anterior, and hand extended, distance from olecranon to tip of middle finger), acromioclavicular to acromioclavicular distance (distance between the acromioclavicular points over the back).

【免費醫療App】Height estimator for bedridden-APP點子

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免費玩Height estimator for bedridden App

Height estimator for bedridden APP LOGO

Height estimator for bedridden LOGO-APP點子

Height estimator for bedridden APP QRCode

Height estimator for bedridden QRCode-APP點子
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