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★ ✭ Unravelling Hanoi's Secrets ✭ ★

It's been 1000 years in the making, but you can see the best of it in a few days with the aid of this app. Hanoi is one of Asia's most endearing and exciting cities with a unique feel and a sophisticated air about everything - entertainment, dining and lodging. In October 2010 the city kicked off its biggest party ever - its 1000th birthday - and those smart enough to be in on the celebrations are still talking about this buzzing city. So what are you waiting for? Buy this app, book a ticket and go check out Hanoi @ 1000.

★ About the Author ★

Ron Emmons (www.ronemmons.com) is a British writer and photographer who spent long periods living and working in Africa and South America before settling in to Thailand in the late 1980s. During this period, Ron honed his photography skills and learned much about diverse cultures. Since 1998 he has worked exclusively as a freelancer, writing new guidebooks and updating others for companies like National Geographic, Frommer’s and Rough Guides. His feature stories also appear regularly in international magazines.

Since 1995, Ron has visited Vietnam a dozen times and can now claim to have been to every town in the country (some several times!) on various research trips. As a result, he has become a recognized expert on Vietnamese culture, and counts among his contacts some of the country’s trail-blazing tour operators, who keep him informed of developments between visits. If you ask Ron whether he prefers Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, he’ll tell you it’s a no brainer. Thankfully, Hanoi was spared the Westernization of its southern sister and retains its rich Vietnamese herit

★ About Sutro Media ★

This guide is published in partnership with Sutro Media. By enabling local writers to share their expertise on mobile phones, Sutro Media is making it easier and more fun to explore the world!

If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions for improvement, we'd love to hear from you - letusknow@sutromedia.com

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