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Hacking the President - The App, is a an app for helping to turn a real book into a real movie. The book is entitled Hacking the President and that is the working title for the movie also. App Version 1.1 is for the Development Phase. App Version 1.2 will be released in September for the Pre-Production Phase. This is a real project presented like a game to turn a real book into a real movie.

【免費冒險App】Hacking the President, The App-APP點子

【免費冒險App】Hacking the President, The App-APP點子

The Year is 2044. The United States is ten hours away from all-out war with the People’s Republic of China, a war from within originating at the most unlikely source. The President of the United States, once a Chinese orphan, is about to trigger a war and unleash hell on her own constituents and neither she nor anybody in the U.S. Government know anything about it beforehand. Turn this riveting book into a full length feature film.

【免費冒險App】Hacking the President, The App-APP點子

【免費冒險App】Hacking the President, The App-APP點子

Copyright 2014, MyWings Foundation

【免費冒險App】Hacking the President, The App-APP點子


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