Aplicación móvil del IES Blas Infante destinada específicamente al mundo educativo. Para acceder a todos los recursos creados por profesorado y alumna...
GradeWizard was runner-up for a 2011 **BEST APP EVER** award in the College Student App category: http://bestappever.com/awards/2011/winner/cledGradeW...
This is a collection of regularly updated news articles and stories about surviving extreme situations, emergency preparation, skills, and survivalist...
This application is part of an ongoing research aiming to raise user awareness regarding online privacy and targeted advertising. The current version ...
Namazın Bilimsel Faydaları bu uygulamada, İslamiyette İslam dininde namazın bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmış birçok faydaları vardır.Peygamberimiz Hz muham...