Glutaraldehyde Calculator|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Glutaraldehyde Calculator-APP點子

This calculator is designed to give you the necessary dosage to supplement the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) needed by aquatic plants in your planted tank. Glutaraldehyde is the active ingredient in many of the commercially available supplements, such as Seachem Flourish Excel, API CO2 booster, etc.

Please research the type of Glutaraldehyde to buy before you use it in your tanks. I have personally used the biologically grade 25% concentration Glutaraldehyde. I have heard of some using the Metracide 14 with success as well. Please make sure you do not use the activator or suffocant.

Caution: Use this calculator at your own risk. It is just designed as a guideline to help you determine the dosage. By using the calculator you agree not to hold me liable to any adverse effect.

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