Glocals Widget|社交線上App不用買


【免費社交App】Glocals Widget-APP點子

This is a simple widget for the Swiss social network called Glocals. It will provide you with 5 most important values such as the number of new messages you have in your inbox, the number of friend invites pending, the number of events you are invited to attend, the number of events you are going to attend and the number of group invites. The widget updates its values every 15 minutes. In its right upper corner it has a status led showing the status of the last update whether it was successful - green, unsuccessful (possibly due to some network failure) - red, and when the update is running it comes blue. A single tap on the widget shows up a dialog with 2 buttons. First one is to start an update immediately and second one is to open Glocals web site in your mobile browser.

【免費社交App】Glocals Widget-APP點子

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免費玩Glocals Widget App

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Glocals Widget APP QRCode

Glocals Widget QRCode-APP點子
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